Hot Door CADtools video tutorials

CADtools 10

CADtools 9

CADtools 8

The CADtracker panel is the 'control panel' of CADtools - each object can be monitored and precisely edited in scale with CADtracker. Valuable perimeter and area information is available for single and multiple selected objects in the CADtracker Geometry panel. Values for multiple selected objects are added together.
CADtracker panel - Geometry
To try the CADtracker features, create a couple of objects in scale. Choose Window > CADtools > Show CADtracker to open the palette. Select an object and notice the Geometry panel information. While creating artwork with CADtools 2D or isometric drawing tools, the Geometry panel displays scaled object information dynamically. After creating artwork, the Geometry panel displays additional length, perimeter, and area for one or more selected objects. Use the menus at the bottom of the palette to set the units and precision of information displayed in CADtracker.